Cancellation Policy

Trial Lessons are subject to your 14 day right to withdraw, and will only be refunded for Lessons that have not already been delivered. Lessons are otherwise non-refundable.

All Lessons are subject to a 24 hour cancellation policy.

If you give less than 24 hours notice of cancellation, or fail to attend your lesson, Prelude School of Music will retain the fee for that lesson. A new lesson will not be booked unless we have received payment for it - either a new payment in the case of Pay As You Go Lessons, or as part of your Block Booking.

We require at least 14 days written notice of your intention to discontinue regular lessons. If you choose to discontinue in the middle of a block, any outstanding lessons are non-refundable.

In cases where more than 24 hours notice has been given, wherever possible, we will endeavour to reschedule at a mutually convenient time. If this is not possible, then the advance fee will be rolled over to the next lesson in the period.

Prelude School of Music is under no obligation to offer a reschedule/catch up lesson in cases where less than 24 hours notice has been given, regardless of circumstances.